What Do You Call Someone Who Inspires You?

Have you ever met a person who makes you feel like you can achieve anything? This kind of person has a magic touch encourages you to be the best you can be. 

You might know them well or admire them from a distance. They’re the ones who spark a fire in you, making you believe in yourself and your dreams.

You might wonder, what do you call someone who inspires you?

We bring you 11 words that perfectly describe these amazing individuals. From ‘Role model’ to ‘Muse’, each word provides a peek into what makes someone a source of motivation.

11 Terms for Someone Who Inspires You

  • Role model
  • Motivator
  • Mentor
  • Idol
  • Muse
  • Luminary
  • Leader
  • Visionary
  • Charismatic
  • Hero
  • Influencer


  • Individuals who inspire us can help in our personal growth and success.
  • You can use many terms like ‘role model’, ‘motivator’, and ‘mentor’ to describe an inspiring person.
  • A ‘muse’ is another great way to refer to someone who effortlessly sparks creativity and motivation in you.

Picking the right words to talk about someone who inspires you can be as powerful as the inspiration they give.

Among the many words that describe their effect, some really pack a punch. Here, we have chosen the top five words that capture the the spirit and impact of those who push us to do our best.

Role model

A role model is someone whose actions, example, or success can be copied by others, especially younger people.

When you look at a role model, you see a reflection of who you want to become. They show the habits, morals, and values that you respect and want to include in your life.

A role model sets an example, guiding you towards honesty, commitment, and success through what they do. You watch them, learn from them, and are shaped by their decisions and achievements.

A role model could be a community leader, a family member, or anyone who makes a positive difference in your life.

To learn how to use “role model” in a sentence, look over these examples:

You are a role model for your siblings with your hard work and honesty.

As a volunteer, he’s become a role model for civic engagement in our neighborhood.

“Her resilience in the face of adversity makes her a role model to many.

He is a role model at school because he always stand up for what’s right.

Your dedication to lifelong learning is why you’re a role model for your colleagues.


A motivator is someone who nudges you to act and chase your dreams. They’re the voice gently saying “you can do it” when things get tough.

This person has a special ability for pushing you past your comfort zone while making sure you feel backed up and able. They’re often bubbly, upbeat, and bursting with energy, which rubs off on you.

A motivator could be a coach who prods you train harder, a teacher who recognizes your talent, or even a family member always ready with uplifting words.

Motivators or motivational people know what gets you going and use that understanding to keep you on track, especially when you feel like giving up.

Here are a few examples of using computer illiterate in conversation:

You are the motivator who lifts my spirits up when I’m feeling down.

His words at the meeting were a powerful motivator for the team.

“She is a motivator who brings out the best in people.”

He has been such a motivator for them during their studies.

“You’re a natural motivator, always pushing your friends to achieve more.”


A mentor is someone who acts as a trusted advisor and guide, giving you wise advice, backing, and feedback as you make your way through various aspects of life.

This person usually knows more than you in certain fields and is happy to pass on their knowledge to help you develop and do well.

What makes a mentor special is that they care about your growth. Whether it’s at work, during your education, or personal development, a mentor puts in time and effort into your advancement and cheers for your wins along the journey.

You can refer to these examples to learn how it works in a sentence:

You have always been a mentor to me in my career.

“He’s not just their boss; he’s a mentor who truly cares.

“As my mentor, your advice has been invaluable to my personal development.

“Your guidance as a mentor has helped me make better life choices.”

“They’re grateful for the way he mentors them through their academic challenges.


An idol is someone you really look up to and want to be like. This person has qualities that you admire, and they inspire and motivate you. 

Your idol could be a famous person, a film personality, a sports star, a historical figure, or even someone in your family who you admire. 

The impact of an idol on your life can be huge; they can help shape your dreams, guide your choices, and push you to do your best. 

Even if you never meet your idol, they can have a big effect on your life, encouraging you to set high goals for yourself and to aim for greatness in your own special way.

Here are a few examples of using “idol” in sentences:

You’ve always been my idol when it comes to public speaking.

Your dedication to his craft makes him an idol to aspiring artists

You are an idol to many for your charity work.

As a scientist, his discoveries have made him an idol in the field.

Your ability to overcome obstacles has established you as an idol to me.


A muse is someone who acts as a source of inspiration for creative work.. This person gets your imagination going and boosts your creative energy, often without even trying. They can light up new ideas and thoughts with just their being around, their chat, or the life they live.

A muse could be a friend whose view on life shows you new chances or an artist whose work clicks with your deepest thoughts.

The bond with a muse is very personal and can have a big impact, pushing you to try out new paths in your own work or interests.

A muse doesn’t give direct advice like a mentor or a motivator but gives a more gentle kind of inspiration that can lead to some of your most important and real creations.

Here are a few examples that can explain the meaning and use of this word:

You have become my muse for this new series of paintings.

As a painter, I often use the natural world as my muse.

Mexican artist Frida Kahlo was both the wife and muse of Diego Rivera.

My grandma, with her fascinating stories and wisdom, has been my muse for writing poetry

Her vibrant personality and unique outlook on life made her my muse for my latest novel.

In conclusion, the people who inspire us are truly special. Their influence, often profound yet subtle, shapes us in ways that make us better. So, next time you find yourself motivated by someone, remember there’s a word to describe them!

About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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