What Do You Call Someone Who Can Predict the Future?

Throughout history, people have always been interested in knowing what’s going to happen in the future.

Whether it’s out of fear or just plain curiosity, the thought that someone might be able to tell what’s coming next is pretty exciting. People who say they can see what’s going to happen before it actually does are often sought after for advice, reassurance, and understanding about things we don’t know yet.

There are a lot of different words you can use to describe someone who can predict the future, and these terms are as diverse as the techniques they use. This article is going to take a closer look at the vocabulary related to people who say they can see into the future.

11 Terms for Someone Who Can Predict the Future

  • A fortune teller 
  • Futurist
  • Clairvoyant
  • Seer/foreseer
  • Prophesier
  • Prescient
  • Precognitive
  • Crystal gazer
  • Palm reader/palmist
  • Soothsayer
  • Psychic


  • The “fortune teller” is one of the most common names for anyone who can tell the future.
  • Then we have “futurists”, who make predictions about the future, but they use scientific methods and data to back up their claims
  • Terms like “clairvoyants” and “seers” describe people say they can give you personal insights or symbolic hints about what’s coming.

If you’re trying to describe people who claim they can predict what’s going to happen, some words carry more weight and detail than others. These terms have evolved over centuries, reflecting the various ways we think about the ability to know the future before it unfolds.

Let’s check out five of the top terms you can use when talking about folks who say they can see what’s coming:

A fortune teller 

When you think about someone predicting the future, the image of a fortune teller probably comes to mind first.

They’re often shown with a crystal ball, tarot cards, or tea leaves, and are thought to have magical powers to see the unknown and tell people what’s in store for them. Fortune tellers work by understanding signs, symbols, or patterns to offer advice.

Fortune-telling is an old and common practice that you can find in many cultures. People visit fortune tellers hoping to get insights about love, work, and personal choices, hoping to gain some control over their lives.

Here are a few examples of using ‘fortune teller’ in conversation:

The fortune teller at the gypsy fair predicted a prosperous future for me.

I visited a fortune teller who claimed she could foresee my career path.

The fortune teller looked into my palm and predicted that I would fall in love soon.

She was known as the best fortune teller in town, always accurate with her predictions.

The fortune teller’s eyes widened as she saw something unexpected in her predictions.

The fortune teller warned me of a potential obstacle in my path.


Unlike the mystical fortune teller, futurists take a more modern and logical approach to predicting the future.

These professionals use data and trends to make well-informed predictions about what’s coming. They often have backgrounds in fields like economics, sociology, technology, or environmental science, and use this knowledge to predict potential outcomes.

Futurists focus on long-term trends and how they’ll shape societies, industries, and the world. Their work helps in strategic planning, policy-making, and innovation by offering predictions based on research and expertise.

To learn how to use “futurist” in a sentence, look over these examples:

The futurist predicted that artificial intelligence would be an integral part of our daily lives.

As a futurist, he used data trends to forecast the impact of climate change.

The futurist’s report predicted a significant shift in global economies.

Her work as a futurist contributed greatly to policy-making and strategic planning.

His predictions as a futurist were based on extensive research and expertise.

The futurist’s insights shaped the direction of the company’s innovation strategy.


The term “clairvoyance” means “clear vision.” Clairvoyants say they have spontaneous visions of the future, which can be either specific and detailed, or symbolic and mysterious.

Clairvoyance is often linked with the paranormal and other psychic phenomena like telepathy or remote viewing.

People often turn to clairvoyants for guidance or reassurance about what’s ahead.

You can refer to these examples to learn how it works in a sentence:

The clairvoyant had a spontaneous vision of an upcoming disaster.

The clairvoyant claimed to have seen visions of my past lives.

The clairvoyant’s enigmatic and confusing visions often required interpretation.

The clairvoyant foresaw a significant event in my future.

The clairvoyant’s visions were surprisingly accurate and detailed.


A seer, or foreseer, is usually seen as a wise person who can see beyond the normal boundaries of time.

In olden times, seers were consulted by kings and leaders for their prophetic visions, which were thought to contain important messages and signs. These insights could be about anything from the outcome of a war to who would be the next king.

Seers often express their prophecies through stories and metaphors, which need interpretation to be understood. They’re less about predicting specific events and more about giving a wider understanding of the forces at work in the world.

Here are a few examples of using these words in sentences:

The seer predicted the outcome of the war with alarming accuracy.

Kings and leaders sought the foreseer’s wisdom for their important decisions.

The seer’s prophecies were cloaked in metaphors and allegories.

The royal foreseer’s prophecy was considered a divine message.

The seer said that a great calamity that would befall the kingdom.

She was a foreseer, known to have a connection with higher realms of knowledge.


A prophesier is often seen in religious and spiritual contexts as a messenger of divine will. Their prophecies can include warnings, instructions, and predictions about the future, usually on a grand scale like the fate of entire nations or significant spiritual events.

Prophesiers have a deep impact on culture and belief systems, as their visions are woven into the spiritual and moral fabric of societies.

Here are a few examples that can explain the meaning and use of this word:

The prophesier warned of a great flood that would wash over the land.

The prophesier foretold of a leader who would bring peace to the land.

The prophesier’s visions were interwoven with many small signs of future changes.

The prophesier predicted a significant spiritual event that would change the course of history.

The prophesier’s predictions and instructions were followed devoutly by his followers.

In conclusion, there are a host of terms used to describe individuals who claim to predict the future. These range from fortune tellers, who interpret signs and symbols, to futurists who make educated guesses based on data and trends. Clairvoyants, seers, and prophesiers all have their unique ways of foreseeing events, often claiming a divine or spiritual connection. Each term offers a unique perspective on the fascinating concept of predicting the future.

About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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