What Do You Call a Person Who Loves to Travel?

Ever felt a strong desire to just pack your bags and see new places? If the excitement of uncovering the unknown and experiencing diverse cultures gets your heart racing, then you might be someone with a deep love for travel.

So, what do you call a person who loves to travel?

You’re probably familiar with words like traveler or tourist, but for those who really love travel, there are more specific terms. From the well-known term “travel buff” to the more poetic “wanderlust”, we have a variety of options that capture the spirit of a travel enthusiast.

So, let’s jump in and discover what to call someone with an unstoppable urge to explore the world.

Words for a Person Who Loves to Travel

  • Globetrotter
  • Explorer
  • Travel buff
  • Adventurer
  • Hodophile
  • Solivagant
  • Wanderer
  • Vagabond
  • Wayfarer
  • Rover
  • Wanderlust


  • There are several terms that can be used to describe a person who has a passion for travel.
  • You can use words like globetrotter and hodophile to describe a person who simply loves to see the world.
  • Words like explorer and adventurer best describe someone who seeks the thrill of exploring the unknown and experiencing new things.

Below, you’ll find the 5 top terms that truly capture their love for travel and paint a picture of their adventurous spirits.

Whether they’re hopping across continents or diving deep into the richness of their own region, these terms define the enthusiasm with which they embrace the world.


If traveling around the world is your top hobby, then you’re a globetrotter. This term suggests that you’re not just visiting places but you’re covering the globe in your travels, seeking different experiences on multiple continents.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes a globetrotter as someone who frequently travels to various locations. If you have an unstoppable desire to see every part of the world, take on new challenges, and create stories worth sharing, then you’re truly embodying the spirit of a globetrotter.

As a globetrotter, you’re always out exploring and creating new memories. You don’t just go to places to say you’ve been there.

Check out how we use this term in the example sentences below:

  • She’s a real globetrotter, having visited over fifty countries in the last ten years.
  • After retiring, they became globetrotters, setting out to see the wonders of the world.
  • As a globetrotter, she makes it a point to visit a new country every few months.
  • The conference attracted globetrotters from all industries, eager to network and share their international experiences.


Consider yourself an explorer if you can’t resist the lure of the unknown and are always keen to see what’s beyond the next hill or across the sea.

As an explorer, your travels are fueled by a sense of discovery. You’re not just on holiday; you’re on a mission to uncover what’s hidden.

Whether it’s hiking through undiscovered lands or navigating busy city streets, your goal is to dive into places that ignite your curiosity and broaden your perspective.

  • He considers himself an explorer, always choosing the road less traveled.
  • As a modern-day explorer, she’s on a quest to document hidden underwater caves.
  • Their explorer spirit had them hiking through the Amazon rainforest for a month.
  • History remembers him as a fearless explorer who charted unknown territories.

Travel buff

If you’re constantly scouting for the next chance to set off on a journey, you might resonate with being a travel buff. The term ‘buff’ points to your enthusiasm and extensive knowledge about travel. You’re likely a pro at traveling and are always on the hunt for new adventures and experiences.

You enjoy learning about different cultures, trying new foods, and taking in the sights and sounds of a place. If exploring new destinations and experiencing the world is your thing, then you’re definitely a travel buff.

Given below are example sentences using the term travel buff:

  • A true travel buff, he can name the capital, currency, and many more interesting details about every country he’s visited.
  • Her bookshelves are filled with travel guides and memoirs, a testament to her status as a travel buff.
  • Travel buffs like her make the best tour guides because they know all the hidden gems.
  • He’s a travel buff who loves collecting souvenirs from each place he visits to remember his journeys.


If your travels often involve extreme sports, remote destinations, and exhilarating exploits, then you are an adventurer.

Adventurers don’t just go on holidays; they embark on quests. They might paddle down wild rivers, camp under the stars in a desert, or taste foods that others might find strange. They’re not put off by a bit of danger or discomfort. In fact, they find the challenge exhilarating.

An adventurer seeks the adrenaline rush that comes with overcoming challenges, and travel offers countless opportunities for these exciting experiences.

Consider the examples below to see the term used in sentences:

  • She’s an adventurer at heart, always looking for the next mountain to climb or valley to trek.
  • His adventurer’s spirit led him to a very remote, unknown canyon in New Zealand.
  • Adventurers like him thrive on the rush of skydiving, scuba diving, and other extreme sports.
  • The adventurer in him couldn’t resist the challenge of sailing across the Atlantic.


This term comes from the Greek words ‘hodos’, meaning ‘way’ or ‘journey’, and ‘philia’, meaning ‘love for’. Your love for the journey, as much as the destination, defines you as a true hodophile.

Being a hodophile isn’t just about visiting new places; it’s about falling in love with the act of travel itself. It’s a deep passion for travel that goes beyond the occasional holiday. It’s a passion that keeps your spirit always ready for the next adventure.

  • As a hodophile, her greatest joy comes from the journey, not just the destination.
  • He’s a hodophile who enjoys long road trips, taking in every sight along the way.
  • For a hodophile like her, the anticipation of travel is just as thrilling as the trip itself.
  • They’re hodophiles who turned their love for travel into a blog, inspiring others to embark on their own journeys.

About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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