What Do You Call Someone Who Is Good With Words?

Have you ever met someone who can weave words together like magic? They always know the right thing to say and exactly how to say it.

Whether they’re telling a story, giving a speech, or writing a letter, their words flow beautifully. In this article, we’ll explore what you call someone who is good with words and how they apply this skill in daily life.

11 Terms for Someone Who Is Good With Words

  • Eloquent
  • Fluent
  • Well-spoken
  • Articulate
  • Wordsmith
  • Expressive
  • Good orator
  • Persuasive
  • Silver-tongued
  • Logophile
  • Glib


  • Someone who is good with words can express themselves in a compelling and impactful manner.
  • Eloquent and articulate individuals are admired for their persuasive clarity and effective communication.
  • A wordsmith crafts language into art, while a well-spoken person conveys sophistication through their speech.

5 Best Terms to Describe Someone Who Is Good With Words

Some people have a knack for creating sentences that are clear, powerful, and memorable to their listeners or readers.

Here are five top terms you can use to describe someone  who is really good with words.


If a person speaks or writes in a way that is powerful, persuasive, and clear, we often call them eloquent. Being eloquent is more than just knowing many words; it’s about using language effectively and beautifully.

An eloquent person can use words to create vivid images, stir up emotions, and explain complicated ideas gracefully. They are usually seen as inspiring and their words tend to leave a lasting impact.

To learn how to use “eloquent” in a sentence, look over these examples:

Martin Luther King Jr. was an eloquent speaker whose speechs inspired millions.

The eloquent story-teller painted vivid pictures with her powerful use of language.”

His eloquent defense of the proposal swayed the committee’s decision.

“Her eloquent poetry earned her a place among the greatest poets of her generation.”

“The professor’s eloquent lecture on climate change left a lasting impact on the students.”


A person who can express their thoughts clearly and effectively is described as articulate. These people are good at arranging their thoughts in a clear, easy-to-understand manner.

They may not use fancy or complicated words, but they know how to choose the right words to get their message across.

Here are a few examples of using ‘articulate’ in conversation:

The articulate politician clearly explained his policies during the debate.

“Her articulate presentation at the conference won her many admirers.

“The child was unusually articulate for his age, expressing his thoughts with clarity and precision.

“The lawyer’s articulate argument convinced the jury of his client’s innocence.

“The articulate author delivered a compelling keynote address at the literary festival.


Fluency refers to the ability to speak or write smoothly without having to pause to think of the right words. This term is often used when talking about people learning a new language, but it can also refer to native speakers who can use their language proficiently.

Fluency is especially noticeable in spontaneous speech. A fluent person may not use sophisticated words or complex sentences, but they are comfortable with the language they’re using.

You can refer to these examples to learn how it works in a sentence:

As a fluent speaker of French, she effortlessly conversed with the locals during her trip to Paris.

His fluency in expressing complex scientific concepts made him a popular teacher.

Her fluent command of English made her an effective communicator in global business meetings.

The fluent orator captivated the audience with his smooth delivery.


A well-spoken person speaks clearly and correctly, with an emphasis on the tone, accent, and pronunciation. They speak at a steady pace, with a voice that sounds confident and calm.

Their word choice is appropriate for the situation and shows a good education or social standing. Well-spoken people always sound sophisticated and proper when they speak.

Here are a few examples of using “well-spoken” in sentences:

The well-spoken diplomat was known for his polite and respectful communication.

“The well-spoken interviewee impressed the hiring managers with his clear and confident answers.

“His well-spoken commentator on the radio show earned himself a large following.

“The well-spoken actor delivered his lines with perfect diction and tone.


A wordsmith is someone who has a special talent for using words to create beautiful or impactful writing. This person not only knows many words but also knows how to choose and arrange them in unique and captivating ways.

Wordsmiths may be poets, authors, or songwriters who make a living from their creative use of language.

While eloquent, articulate, fluent, and well-spoken individuals are valued for their respective abilities, a wordsmith is admired for their creativity and the beauty of their language use. Wordsmiths create art with their words, often leaving a lasting impression on their audience.

Here are a few examples that can explain the meaning and use of this word:

The writer was a wordsmith who crafted a beautiful novel that resonated with readers worldwide.

His talent as a wordsmith was evident in his elaborate essays.

The wordsmith’s beautifully written poems were published in several literary journals.

Her skills as a wordsmith made her an excellent copywriter.

The acclaimed wordsmith delivered a masterclass in creative writing at the university.

In conclusion, language is full of ways to describe people who are good with words. Terms like eloquent, articulate, fluent, well-spoken, and wordsmith all describe different ways someone can be great with words. Being good with words is a special skill that can inspire others, convince them, and even make a difference in the world.

About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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