11 Other Ways to Say “What Time Works Best For You”

You’ve likely used “What time works best for you?” many times, haven’t you? It’s a standard question when trying to arrange a chat, meeting, or even a casual coffee catch-up.

But sometimes, it’s good to change things up to keep your conversations interesting and thoughtful.

So, let’s explore 11 alternative ways to ask about someone’s availability without sounding repetitive. Stick with me, and you’ll be scheduling like a pro in no time!

Other Ways to Say “What Time Works Best For You

  • Please let me know your preferred time
  • Please inform me of the time that suits you best
  • I’d like to know what time works best
  • When would you like to arrange this
  • Let me know how we can work this around your schedule
  • Feel free to share your availability with me
  • Which time works best for your schedule?
  • Is there a specific time that works best?
  • What time can you do?
  • When can we sort this out?
  • When can we set this meeting up?


  • “What time works best for you?” is a polite and standard way to ask for someone’s availability.
  • “Please let me know your preferred time” and “Which time works best for your schedule?” are among some alternative ways to show respect for others’ schedules.
  • In less formal situations, you could try asking, “What time can you do?”

11 Alternatives to “What Time Works Best For You

If you’re trying to arrange a meeting, it’s usual to ask, “what time works best for you?”. But sometimes, you might want other options to sound more flexible or professional. Let’s explore some other ways you can ask when someone is free.

Please Let Me Know Your Preferred Time

The phrase “What is your preferred time?” is a polite way to ask for someone’s availability. Using the word “preferred” shows that you value their choice and are flexible with their schedule.

This phrase is handy in professional settings, especially when arranging a meeting with someone higher up in the organization. It gives them the freedom to pick a time that suits them, showing that you’re considerate and adaptable.

Sample Email

Dear Dr. Smith,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss our upcoming project and would greatly appreciate it if you could please let me know your preferred time to meet. Your input is invaluable, and I want to ensure we choose a time that is most convenient for you.

Best regards,

Please Inform Me Of The Time That Suits You Best

“Please inform me of the time that suits you best” is a formal way to ask about someone’s available time.

It’s clear, polite, and emphasizes the other person’s convenience. This phrase is excellent for communicating with clients or colleagues in a professional setting, especially in emails or written communications.

Sample Email

Dear Ms. Johnson,

I am writing to schedule our next session and would like to accommodate your schedule. Could you please inform me of the time that suits you best? I want to ensure that our meeting is at a time that is most comfortable for you.


I’d Like To Know What Time Works Best

This phrase is a slightly more personal way to ask about someone’s availability. It’s a good blend of formality and friendliness, perfect for when you know the person but still need to keep things professional. Use this phrase when you have some flexibility and genuinely want to accommodate the other person’s schedule.

Sample Email

Hi Tom,

I hope you’re doing great. I’m trying to organize our next catch-up, and I’d like to know what time works best for you. It’s been too long, and I’m looking forward to our discussion.


When Would You Like To Arrange This

“When would you like to arrange this?” is another polite question you can use professionally. It shows your willingness to adapt to the other person’s schedule and subtly communicates that you value their time and preferences.

It’s particularly suitable when you want to impress someone, like a potential client or a new colleague.

Sample Email

Hello Mr. Martinez,

I would like to propose a meeting to discuss our new strategy and was hoping to find out when you would like to arrange this. Your perspective is crucial for our planning, and I am flexible with the timing.

Kind regards, 

Let Me Know How We Can Work This Around Your Schedule

“Let me know how we can work this around your schedule” is a thoughtful phrase that shows you’re ready to prioritize the other person’s availability.

It’s especially useful in professional settings where collaboration is important. This phrase shows that you respect the other person’s time and are willing to adjust your plans accordingly.

Sample Email

Dear Professor Wilson,

I’m planning our upcoming workshop and want to ensure it fits into your busy schedule. Could you let me know how we can work this around your schedule? Your participation is important to us.

Warmest regards, 

Feel Free To Share Your Availability With Me

By saying “Feel free to share your availability with me,” you’re giving the other person a relaxed way to reveal their preferred times. It’s friendly yet professional, and can be used in both formal and informal situations. This phrase is great when you want to give someone a sense of control over the planning process.

Sample Email

Hi Jessica,

I’m trying to nail down a time for our upcoming meeting and thought I’d check in with you. Feel free to share your availability with me, so we can set a date and time that works best for you.


Which Time Works Best For Your Schedule?

This is a direct but polite question that focuses on the other person’s schedule. Use this phrase when dealing with clients or superiors, or when you need a quick response without sacrificing politeness.

Sample Email

Dear Mrs. Thompson,

I am eager to discuss the project details with you and would like to know which time works best for your schedule. Please let me know your preferred meeting time so we can proceed efficiently.

Thank you, 

Is There A Specific Time That Works Best?

Asking for a “specific time” lets the other person give an exact answer. This question works well in both one-on-one and group planning situations.

Use it when you’re trying to lock down a meeting time quickly but still want to respect the other person’s preferences. It’s a great way to schedule events, whether it’s a one-on-one chat or a meeting with multiple people.

Sample Email

Hello Mr. Davis,

As we plan for next week, I wanted to ask, “is there a specific time that works best for you to meet?” I aim to finalize our meeting time promptly and would appreciate your quick response.


What Time Can You Do?

This is a casual and flexible way to ask about someone’s availability. It suggests that you’re open to changing your schedule to accommodate the other person. This phrase is perfect for use with coworkers or in situations where you have a more relaxed working relationship.

Sample Email

Hey Mike,

I was thinking we should have a quick sync tomorrow. What time can you do? Let’s keep it informal and catch up on everything that’s been going on.


When Can We Sort This Out?

If you need to schedule a meeting soon but don’t want to seem too pushy, try asking, “When can we sort this out?” This question prompts a quick decision and is best used in a work environment where decisions need to be made fast.

It’s a good choice when you need to get things moving quickly, but still want to respect the other person’s time and commitments.

Sample Email

Dear Ms. Patel,

We need to sort out some pressing issues soon. When can we sort this out? Your prompt reply with a suitable time would be greatly appreciated, as it would help us address these matters quickly.

Best wishes, 

When Can We Set This Meeting Up?

“When can we set this meeting up?” is a direct, action-oriented phrase that shows you want to secure a meeting time quickly. It’s to-the-point and shows your eagerness to get the meeting scheduled.

This phrase can help make the scheduling process smoother, leading to a quicker agreement on the best time to meet and helping everyone work more efficiently. It’s ideal for professionals who want to wrap up their arrangements quickly and efficiently.

Sample Email

Hi Karen,

We need to set up our meeting, and I’m keen to get it on the calendar. Could you let me know when you’re available and when we can set this meeting up? I’m looking forward to finalizing the details with you.


The 11 alternative phrases discussed in this article offer you ways to ask “What time works best for you?” in a manner that is respectful, considerate, and adaptable to the recipient’s preferences. Whether you’re dealing with coworkers, clients, or even friends, these phrases can help keep your conversations fresh and interesting. So next time you need to schedule a meeting or plan an event, try using one of these phrases.

About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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