10 Other Ways to Say “Thanks for The invite”

It’s helpful to have a variety of phrases ready to use when you want to thank someone for inviting you to an event or gathering.

A commonly used phrase is “Thanks for the invite.”

You can show your appreciation in a lot of different ways, which can make your message feel more personal or more formal.

Here is a list of the best other ways to say “thank you for the invite” or “invitation.”

Other Ways to Say “Thanks for the Invite”

  • I appreciate the invitation.
  • Thank you for considering me.
  • I am honored by your invitation.
  • Thank you for the opportunity to attend.
  • Thanks, I’ll be sure to attend.
  • Thanks for thinking of me.
  • Thank you, can’t wait to be there.
  • Looking forward to it.
  • Count me in.
  • Thanks, I’ll be there.


  • A common way to respond to an invitation is to say “thanks for the invite.”
  • You can choose formal response like “I appreciate the invitation” or “I am honored by your invitation” to convey gratitude for the invitation.
  • You might want to use something more casual, like “Thanks for thinking of me” or “Looking forward to it,” for a more friendly or personal tone.

Formal Alternatives To “Thanks for the Invite

When you are responding to a client, business, or group, the more formal your answer, the more professional you seem.

Let’s explore some formal alternatives to “Thanks for the invite”

I appreciate your Invitation

This phrase says “thank you” with a touch of sincere appreciation. That means you can use it at work or when talking to someone you don’t know very well because it’s formal and polite.

This phrase is especially impactful because it shows respect and esteem for the invitation itself.

It shows how much you value being invited to this event and shows that you do not take the opportunity for granted.

Sample Email

Dear Ms. Smith,

I wanted to take a moment to express how much I appreciate the invitation to your annual gala. It is a prestigious event, and I am grateful to be considered a part of it. I look forward to the evening with great anticipation.

Best regards,

Thank you for considering me

Saying “thank you for considering me” is a way to show your appreciation for being picked out or thought of among other people.

It’s an excellent choice when you want to recognize someone’s effort in selecting you to be part of an event or occasion.

It sets a tone of respect when you use this phrase. What it shows is that you know the chance you’ve been given isn’t something to be taken lightly and that you’re grateful for it.

Sample Email

Dear Ms. Reynolds,

Thank you for considering me for the upcoming symposium on sustainability. It is a privilege to be included among such distinguished guests and contributors. I eagerly look forward to contributing to the discussions.

Warm regards,

I am honored by your invitation

If you’re thankful for an invitation, you could also say, “I am honored by your invitation” or “I am honored to be invited.” It shows a lot of respect and appreciation with this phrase.

If you use the word “honored,” it means that the invitation comes with a certain amount of status. It accentuates the respect you feel for having been given this opportunity. That’s why it’s perfect for formal or important events where being invited is important, like a ceremony or a dinner.

Sample Email

Hello Ambassador Lee,

I am honored by your invitation to the embassy’s Independence Day reception. Such an occasion is of great importance, and being asked to attend is an honor I hold in high regard. I sincerely thank you and look forward to the celebration.


Thanks, I’ll be sure to attend

This phrase shows gratitude and confirms that you will be at the event. It’s a good choice when you want to let the host know you will be there and show that you are committed to and excited about the invitation.

When you say “I’ll be sure,” you’re giving a strong promise that you will attend. This shows a high level of professionalism and responsibility.

It’s both polite and sure of itself, which makes it perfect for events where everyone is looking forward to seeing you.

Sample Email

Dear Professor Carlton,

I received your invitation to the book launch, and I want to express my gratitude for including me in the list of attendees. Thanks, I’ll be sure to attend, and am looking forward to an enriching evening discussing literature and culture with fellow enthusiasts.


Thank you for the opportunity to attend

A formal and polite alternative to “Looking forward to working with you” is “Thanks for the invite”

This is a nice way to say thank you and emphasize that the invitation is a one-of-a-kind chance to do or experience something.

It shows that you appreciate being a part of the event and is appropriate for situations where being there could be seen as both helpful and enjoyable.

Sample Email

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thompson,

Thank you for the opportunity to attend your company’s annual charity ball. The work you do for the community is inspiring, and I am excited about the chance to support such a worthy cause. Your generosity is much appreciated.

Warm regards,

Informal Alternatives To “Thanks for the Invite

You might choose a less formal tone when talking to friends, family, or coworkers in a less official setting.

Let’s look at some informal alternatives that you can use in place of “Thanks for the invite”

Thanks for thinking of me

“Thanks for thinking of me “ is a friendly and personal way to let someone know that they’ve thought of you for a gathering or event.

It works especially well when you want to show that you’re genuinely and amiably ready to meet or talk to someone.

It makes you feel warm and connected, which makes it great for casual conversations with coworkers or friends. It shows that you care about being thought of by them.

Sample Email

Hey Sam,

Just got your invite to the beach BBQ. Thanks for thinking of me! I’m excited to catch up and enjoy some sun together. Let me know if I can bring anything.


Thank you, can’t wait to be there

“Thank you, can’t wait to be there” is a friendly and casual way to say that you’re excited about an upcoming event or get-together.

This phrase shows excitement and a strong desire to be at the event, suggesting that you’re looking forward to it a lot and that it’s an important event on your calendar.

Your host will definitely enjoy this lively alternative that is great for showing intense interest and anticipation.

Sample Email

Hi Mia,

Got the evite for your housewarming party. Thank you, can’t wait to be there! Your new place sounds amazing, and I’m thrilled to celebrate with you. See you next Saturday!


Looking forward to it

This phrase is a casual but sincere way to say “yes” to an invitation. It means that you’re looking forward to the event with joy.

As a less formal way to say “thanks for the invite,” it shows appreciation and excitement without being too formal.

This phrase can be used in a lot of different social situations because it is flexible and shows happiness. You can use this phrase to show that you are relaxed and friendly while also being excited about an upcoming event.

Sample Email

Hello Uncle Joe,

Thanks for the family reunion invite! Looking forward to it, especially your famous barbecue ribs. It’ll be great to see everyone again. Counting down the days!

Take care,

Count me in

This answer is casual, but excited and strong. It’s also very direct, which shows that you really want to go to the event you’re being invited to.

This lively phrase shows dedication, participation, and happiness at being invited to the event.

For casual events, this phrase is perfect because a casual confirmation is better than a formal acceptance. You can use it when responding to a friendly get-together or a house party.

Hey Tam,

Just read about the after-work hangout next Friday – count me in! Appreciate the invite and can’t wait to kick back with everyone. Let’s make it a night to remember!


Thanks, I’ll Be There

“Thanks, I’ll be there” is a clear, direct, and comforting reply. This sentence shows your appreciation and promises that you will be at the event.

It’s casual and to the point, which makes it perfect for invitations where you just want to quickly confirm your attendance and show that you’re excited about it.

You can use it to quickly confirm your attendance, show affection and friendliness toward the host, and get ready for an upcoming event without any problems.

Sample Email

Hi Zoe,

Heard about your art show next month. Thanks, I’ll be there for sure. Thanks for letting me know, and I’m eager to see all your amazing work on display!

Take care,

In conclusion, the phrase “thanks for the invite” is right grammar and works well in both formal and casual situations. You can use any of our alternatives as you see fit, but the original phrase is also fine.

About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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