10 Other Ways to Say “Looking Forward to Working with You”

As an expression, looking forward to working with you usually means that you are excited and ready to start a new job relationship. 

But, based on the situation and how close you are to the person you’re writing to, you may need to use different words to make your message more formal or more casual.

Let’s look at some of the best alternative ways to say ‘I’m looking forward to work with you,’ along with simple email examples for using them.

Other Ways to Say “Looking Forward to Working with You

  • I am excited to work with you
  • I look forward to joining the team
  • I’m thrilled about the opportunity to work together
  • I am excited about the prospect of our collaboration
  • I look forward to the privilege of working with you
  • Working with you is like a dream come true
  • Can’t wait to team up with you
  • Excited to join the team
  • Excited to get started with you!
  • Stoked about working together!


  • The phrase ‘looking forward to working with you’ signals eagerness to collaborate professionally.
  • Initial communications in business often include such expressions for a positive impact.
  • When choosing alternatives to this phrase, you must look at the context and your relationship to the other person.

Formal Alternatives to “Looking Forward to Working with You

When you’re choosing formal alternatives to the phrase “Looking forward to working with you,” keeping a professional and respectful tone is crucial. Here are suggestions that deliver the same message you can use:

I am excited to work with you

“I am excited to work with you” conveys a sense of enthusiasm and eagerness about the upcoming collaboration. 

This sentence makes it sound like you’re excited about both the work that’s coming up next and the partnership and all the opportunities it brings.

It’s a great alternative to “Looking forward to working with you” because it shows that you are positive about what you can accomplish once you start working together.

Sample Email

Dear Mr. Taylor

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out and share just how much I am excited to work with you. Your vision for the project resonates with me, and I’m eager to contribute to our shared goals.

I’m ready to bring my skills to the table and get creative as we embark on this journey. Let’s make this collaboration a resounding success!

Warm regards,
Jordan Smith

I look forward to joining the team

Saying “I look forward to joining the team” means you’re excited to be a part of a group. It lets the team know that you want to be a part of it and value working together.

This phrase is a good alternative to “Looking forward to working with you” because it emphasizes on collaboration and your desire to add to the group effort.

Sample Email

Hello Team Verve,

As I prepare to start my new role, I wanted to express how much I look forward to joining the team. Your remarkable track record of innovation and teamwork is inspiring, and I am keen to add my energy to our future successes.

Best wishes,
Emily Patel

I’m thrilled about the opportunity to work together

This is an exciting and lively statement that shows how excited you are about working together on a project.

It shows that you don’t just see the job at hand as something you have to do; you see it as a chance to come up with new ideas or make a real difference with someone else.

As an alternative to “Looking forward to working with you,” this makes the idea of working together seem even more impressive. The word “thrilled” makes the joy stronger than just anticipating. It shows that you’re really excited about the future and how working together will help both of you.

Sample Email

Hi Ms. Trumann,

Just a quick note to say that I’m absolutely thrilled about the opportunity to work together. Your expertise in designing is unmatched, and I’m certain that our joint efforts will lead to outstanding results.

I am ready to hit the ground running and bring our ideas to life. Let’s create something remarkable!

Best wishes,

I am excited about the prospect of our collaboration

This phrase demonstrates your enthusiasm and anticipative approach towards a collective venture.

“Prospect” means you’re excited about what’s to come and can’t wait to see how your combined efforts turn out. Being “excited” means you’re ready to go and determined, which can reassure and inspire the person you’re talking to.

With this line, you can create an atmosphere of excitement and commitment right from the start.

Sample Email

Dear Caroline

I wanted to take a moment to express how much I am excited about the prospect of our collaboration. The blend of your innovative ideas and my experience in the field of hospitality has the potential to yield great results.

I am wholeheartedly ready to contribute to our upcoming project’s success. Let’s turn our vision into reality!

Kind regards, 

I look forward to the privilege of working with you

The phrase “I look forward to the privilege of working with you” shows respect and gratitude. This shows that you see the future work as more than just a chance. It’s an honor. 

This phrase has a tone of respect and humility, which can make it more powerful when you want to recognize the other person’s knowledge or name in the field. It builds trust and respect for each other, recognizing the special things that each person brings to the table.

Sample Email

Dear Mr. Mcgraw,

As we approach the commencement of our project, I want to convey how much I look forward to the privilege of working with you. Your remarkable skills and leadership in [specific area] are truly inspiring, and I am eager to contribute to our collective success.

I am confident that our collaboration will be both enriching and productive. Here’s to a promising start and a journey of great achievements!


Working with you is like a dream come true

There is a lot of love and hope in this phrase. It sounds like you’ve been looking forward to working together for a long time and makes it more personal.

This is a good one to try before working with someone you care about or have wanted to work with for a long time. To work together, your goals or ideals should match, and you should be excited and grateful for the chance to do so.

The analogy to a dream sets an emotional and positive tone for the next work. It adds a sense of wonder and energy.

Sample Email

Hi Ms LeFarge,

I have to say, working with you is like a dream come true. I’ve always admired your work from afar, and now I’m psyched to be collaborating on this project with you

Your expertise and vision are exactly what I’ve been looking for in a partner. Let’s turn our shared aspirations into reality!


Informal Alternatives to “Looking Forward to Working with You”

If you’re talking to someone you know well or in a less formal setting, you might want to use a friendlier-sounding phrase instead of “Looking forward to working with you.” Let’s look at alternatives that can help you show your excitement in a more laid-back way.

Can’t Wait to Team Up With You

The phrase “can’t wait to team up with you” is lively and casual, and it shows excitement. And it means you’re excited to get to work right away.

Feel free to use this less official form of “Looking forward to working with you” when you want to get to know someone better. It means you are eager to begin and thrilled about the job.

You can use this phrase to show that you are ready to work together and even excited about it.

Sample Email

Hey Matt,

Just dropping you a quick line to say I can’t wait to team up with you! Your creativity and drive are exactly what we need to make this project shine.

I’m all in and ready to roll up my sleeves. Let’s kick things off and show everyone what we’re capable of!


Excited to get started with you

“Excited to get started with you” is a phrase that radiates enthusiasm and a proactive spirit. It’s a great choice for conveying a friendly, energetic approach to collaboration.

This phrase shows that you are ready to act and start working on the job right away. If you want to sound excited about starting to work with a new group, this is the kind of line you should use.

Sample Email

Hey Stevie,

Just a quick shout-out to let you know how excited I am to get started with you! Your innovative ideas are exactly the spark we need to ignite this project.

I’m all geared up and looking forward to rolling up our sleeves together. Let’s bring our A-game and make this a venture to remember!


Stoked about working together

Being “stoked about working together” shows a high level of enthusiasm at the chance to work with someone.

When you use this phrase, you’re telling the other person that you’re not only ready to work together, but also ready to put your enthusiasm and energy into the work you will do together

It’s a great way to show that you’re relaxed but still deeply interested, and it sets a lively and positive tone for the relationship.

Sample Email

Hey Ted,

Hope you’re doing awesome! Just wanted to say I’m totally stoked about working together. Your creativity and drive are just what we need to make some serious waves with this project.

Can’t wait to brainstorm and get those ideas flowing. Let’s make this collaboration one for the books!

Catch you soon,

When can i use the phrase “Looking Forward to Working With You”?

The phrase “looking forward to working with you” is typically used in professional correspondence. It shows that you are looking forward to working together. 

When you get a new job or project, you might show that you’re excited to start by talking about how excited you are to work with others on a project or as a team. That’s when you would typically say that you are looking forward to working with someone.

Below are some situations where the phrase “looking forward to working with you” fits really well:

  • In Job Acceptance Communications: Thank you for the opportunity — I am looking forward to working with you!
  • During Project Kick-offs: Welcome, everyone. As we embark on this new project, I want you to know that I’m looking forward to working with you all. 
  • To develop team spirit: Team, let’s remember our common goal and work hard to achieve it. I am looking forward to working with you all and creating something remarkable.
  • Networking Follow-ups: It was great meeting you at the pre-launch event. I appreciate your insights and am looking forward to working with you in the future.

To summarize, the alternatives you choose should fit the setting and the relationship you have with the other person.

No matter how formal or casual the setting is, it’s important to show genuine excitement and a professional attitude about the future work relationship.

About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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