For Sale or On Sale: Which is Correct?

When you’re buying or selling things, you’ll often hear the terms “for sale” and “on sale” being used. People sometimes use these terms as if they mean the same thing, but there’s a small difference between them in their usage.

‘For sale’ is used to let you know that something is up for purchase. It could be anything from a house to a piece of artwork. All it means is that the owner is ready to sell it.

On the other hand, ‘on sale’ usually indicates that an item is being sold at a price lower than usual. You’ll often see this term in shops when there’s a discount or special deal going on.

Is one phrase incorrect? Absolutely not. Both phrases are correct, but they’re used in different scenarios. Understanding the difference is key so you can use each term correctly.

For Sale or On Sale : Difference

Both words refer to something that is available for purchase. However, there is some basic difference between the two. 

For Sale:

When an item is ‘for sale’, it’s merely available for purchase. This phrase makes no reference to the prices of the product being sold. It’s a noun phrase that you can use on its own or as part of a sentence.

For example: “The house has been put up for sale by the owner.”

On Sale:

On the other hand, when you see ‘on sale’, it means that not only is the item up for grabs, but it’s also being sold at a price lower than usual.

For example: “Winter coats are on sale this week.”

For SaleYou can buy the item at its regular price or negotiate with the seller.
On SaleThe item is offered at a lower price than usual.

Examples of Using For Sale in a sentence

The vintage car you admired is up for sale.

They put their furniture for sale online.

Are those paintings for sale?

The apartment next door is up for sale.

Her wedding dress was still available for sale.

Rare collectibles will be for sale at the auction.

There’s a house for sale on your street.

Fresh honey from the farm is for sale at the market.

All the puppies are for sale.

The signed baseball cards are for sale at the memorabilia shop.

Examples of Using On Sale in a sentence

The local bakery has all pastries on sale for the morning rush.

Finally, those sneakers you wanted are on sale online.

The electronics store has laptops on sale until the end of the week.

Get your concert tickets now while they’re still on sale.

The grocery store placed all organic products on sale to attract health-conscious shoppers.

The bookstore has bestsellers on sale to make room for new arrivals.

Your favorite brand of jeans is on sale at the department store this weekend.

Winter coats are on sale just in time for the cold snap.

Looking for a new sofa? It might be your lucky day, as furniture is on sale at the local outlet.

The gardening supplies you wanted are on sale, right as the planting season starts.

For Sale Or On Sale: US Vs UK English

Yes, there’s a difference in how “for sale” and “on sale” are used in UK English and US English.

In the UK, both phrases are often used to mean the same thing: that an item is ready to be bought. So, if you see a sign in the UK that says “Sofa for sale” or “Sofa on sale,” it usually means the sofa is up for grabs.

However, in the US, these phrases aren’t used interchangeably. “For sale” means that the item can be bought at its regular price, while “on sale” implies that the price has been temporarily reduced. So, when you see “On sale now!” in the US, it means you can get the item for less than its usual price.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the correct term to describe an item that is available for purchase, ‘for sell’ or ‘for sale’?

The correct term is ‘for sale.’ The phrase ‘for sell’ is grammatically incorrect and should not be used. When an item is available for purchase, you should say it is ‘for sale.’

Can ‘on sale’ be used when referring to property transactions, such as houses?

‘On sale’ generally refers to items being offered at a discount. For property transactions like houses, it’s more accurate to say a house is available ‘for sale’ to signify it’s on the market, rather than ‘on sale,’ which could imply a reduced price.

In what context should you use ‘now for sale’ versus ‘on sale now’?

Use ‘now for sale’ when you want to announce the availability of an item or property to potential buyers, as in “The latest book is now for sale.” For promotions or events, use ‘tickets on sale now’ to indicate that tickets are currently available, often at a discounted rate.

About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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