12 Other Ways To Say “Thank You All”

Saying thank you all is a heartfelt way to express your gratitude to a group of people. But sometimes, you might want to mix things up a bit, whether it’s to add variety to your language or to fit the formality of the occasion.

Whether you’re chatting with friends or coworkers, or delivering a speech at an official event, having a couple of other options ready can help you show your appreciation in a new and genuine way.

We’ve compiled 12 different ways for you to say thank you all that are simple to use and understand.

Other Ways to Say “Thank You all”

  • Grateful to all of you
  • Thank you, everyone
  • Would like to thank everyone
  • Appreciate all of you
  • Many thanks to each and every one of you
  • Appreciate your efforts
  • Thank you for your time
  • Thanks all
  • Thanks to all of you
  • Thanks, everybody
  • A big thank you to everyone
  • This means a lot


  • “Thank you all” is a nice way to express your gratitude to a group or crowd for something they’ve done.
  • If you want to add a bit of formality, and professionalism, you can try saying “grateful to all of you” or “thank you for your time.”
  • To keep things relaxed and friendly, you can use phrases like “thanks, everybody” or “this means a lot.”

Top 7 Formal Alternatives to “Thank You all”

When you need to add some formality, like when you’re speaking to a boardroom, going to a gala, or sending a professional email, choosing the right words makes a big difference.

Here are seven elegant and respectful ways you can say thank you to a group. These will help you show your sincere appreciation with a sense of class:

Grateful to all of you

Saying “Grateful to all of you” is a warm and heartfelt way to express deep thanks.

When you use this phrase, you’re not just thanking the group as a whole; you’re recognizing each person’s contribution and the effect it’s had on you or the situation. It’s more than just a simple thank you, as it shows a level of gratitude that sticks with you and touches your heart.

This phrase works really well when you’ve been helped during tough times or when everyone’s effort has led to a big accomplishment.

Sample Email

Dear Team,

As we close this chapter, I am truly grateful to all of you for the dedication and hard work you’ve shown. Your collective efforts have been the driving force behind our success.

Warm regards,

Thank you, everyone

The phrase “Thank you, everyone” is a simple and respectful way to thank a group of people. It’s particularly handy when every person present has helped or supported you, like at the end of a successful project or event.

“Thank you, everyone” is a flexible phrase; it’s formal enough for work situations but still friendly and welcoming. It implies that you see everyone’s contributions as equally valuable, creating a feeling of togetherness and shared success.

Sample Email

Dear Team,

Thank you, everyone, for your exceptional work on this project. Your dedication has been the key to our success.

Warm regards,

Would like to thank everyone

Adding “would like to” before your thank you makes your words seem more thoughtful and planned out. So, “would like to thank everyone” is a polite and formal way to say thanks.

This phrase is great for public speaking or a formal announcement when you’re recognizing the combined efforts of a team or group.

Sample Email

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to making our event a triumph. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.


Appreciate all of you

When you use the word “appreciate”, it shows that you deeply recognize and value other people’s efforts. It’s more than just a basic thank you, suggesting that you not only see the help or kindness given but also highly respect it.

This phrase is perfect for times when you want to express how important each person’s contribution is and make sure everyone feels valued.

Sample Email

Dear Team,

I appreciate all of you for going the extra mile this quarter. Your commitment has not gone unnoticed.

Warm regards,

Many thanks to each and every one of you

The phrase “many thanks to each and every one of you” is packed with gratitude and respect, and it means more than a simple thank you. When you say “many thanks,” you’re expressing a higher level of gratitude, and by adding “to each and every one of you,” you’re making it personal for everyone involved.

This phrase is great when you’re acknowledging a group effort where each person played an important part. Maybe your team completed a big project with tight deadlines, or your friends supported you during a difficult period. It’s a way to say, “I noticed what you did, and it means a lot to me.”

Sample Email

Dear All,

Many thanks to each and every one of you for your dedication during the recent audit. Your hard work is acknowledged.

Best wishes,

Appreciate your efforts

When you say “appreciate your efforts,” you’re specifically highlighting the group’s hard work and effort.

This phrase is especially useful in a work setting where success was achieved through everyone’s hard work and dedication. It’s a formal way of saying that the success wasn’t just about the final result, but also about the process and effort that went into it.

Sample Email

Dear Volunteers,

We appreciate your efforts in making the charity drive a success. Your generosity speaks volumes. 

Kind regards,

Thank you for your time

Time is really valuable, and when a group has given theirs, it’s important to recognize this.

Saying “thank you for your time” is a respectful and formal way to say thanks, especially when people have chosen to use their time to help with a project, go to a meeting, or take part in an event. It shows that you appreciate the sacrifice they’ve made and that you don’t take their dedication for granted.

Sample Email

Dear Participants,

Thank you for your time and valuable input during today’s meeting. It’s greatly appreciated. Looking forward to more productive meetings with you all.


Top 5 Informal Alternatives to “Thank You all”

You can try these informal phrases when you want to keep things friendly and thankful without being too formal:

Thanks all

When you’re ending a casual meeting or hangout, saying “Thanks all” is the ideal relaxed but friendly way to sign off.

It’s like a group high-five, a quick and warm way to recognize everyone’s contributions without being too formal.

This phrase works well in chats, emails, or group messages where things are laid back and the relationships aren’t formal. It’s like giving a nod of thanks to those around you, showing them you appreciate their time or help in a cool, no-stress way.

Sample Email

Hey Team,

Thanks all for the great ideas you gave me for the party. The whole event rocked. Let’s do this again sometime.


Thanks to all of you

This phrase is like a group hug in words. Saying “Thanks to all of you” feels personal and genuine, making it perfect for times when you’ve gotten help or support from your friends or a team you’re close to. It’s less about being formal and more about expressing real feelings, ideal for those times when you want to show your sincere thanks to a group of people who’ve supported you.

Whether it’s after a small get-together or a team project, this phrase communicates your gratitude in a straightforward and friendly manner.

Sample Email

Hi Friends,

Thanks to all of you for helping me this weekend. Couldn’t have done it without you!


Thanks, everybody

Picture the sound of glasses clinking at the end of a toast or a thumbs up after a great day out — that’s the feeling “Thanks, everybody” brings. It’s the kind of phrase that invites everyone to join in on the thank-you moment.

You can use it when you’re speaking to a group of friends or colleagues, maybe after a casual event or a successful team project. It’s simple, it’s cheerful, and it gets your message across with a smile.

Sample Email

Hey Everyone,

Thanks, everybody, for coming to my launch party! It was a hit because of you. I would love to have your continued support in the future too.


A big thank you to everyone

There are times when you need to add a bit more punch to your thankfulness, and saying “A big thank you to everyone” does exactly that. It’s like giving a giant group hug for the collective hard work of your team.

This phrase is perfect for when you’re truly amazed or deeply touched by the support you’ve received. It’s casual but carries the weight of a grand gesture. You can use it when you want to stress just how much you value what everyone has done, whether they threw you a surprise party or all pitched in to help you move house.

Sample Email

Hi Team,

I loved the lovely surprise farewell party. A big thank you to everyone for pulling off an amazing surprise. I’m blown away!


This means a lot

When something really moves you, saying “This means a lot” lets people know. It’s uncomplicated, deep, and shows just how much you value the actions of others. This phrase is great for those quieter, more thoughtful moments of gratitude when you want to express how deeply you feel without giving a long speech.

It lets people know that what they’ve done has really affected you, and you’re not just thankful — you’re touched.

Sample Email

Dear Family,

The last few months with all my health and financial challenges, have been extremely rough for me. Your support during this time has been incredible. This means a lot to me.


About the author

 Chris Edwards is an English Language Coach with over 10 years of experience in teaching and mentoring students in English grammar and the correct usage of English words. He has a degree in English Literature and Linguistics, and has a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)

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